
1,000 Million Tokens

The Savvy Apes utility token represents a share in the platform's revenue-generating ecosystem, allowing holders to earn a portion of profits based on their token holdings

3% Tax





The tokenomics design of the Savvy Apes utility token incorporates a 3% tax on all buy and sell transactions, with the following distribution:

  • 2% is redistributed to eligible token holders proportional to their existing holdings.

  • 0.75% is allocated to a marketing wallet.

  • 0.25% goes to the Savvy Apes team.

This tokenomics model offers several benefits:

  1. Holding Incentive: The 2% redistribution directly increases each token holder's balance, amplifying their share of the platform's revenue distributions since earnings are proportional to token holdings. This mechanism strongly incentivizes long-term holding and accumulation of Savvy Apes tokens.

  2. Sustainable Marketing: The 0.75% marketing allocation ensures a consistent budget for promotion, which is crucial for the growth and adoption of the platform.

  3. Team Incentive: The 0.25% team allocation provides a mechanism to compensate the developers and contributors behind the Savvy Apes ecosystem, aligning their interests with the project's success.

  4. Deflationary Pressure: While not inherently deflationary, the tax on transactions can potentially create deflationary pressure if a significant portion of the redistributed tokens is held long-term rather than sold immediately.

Overall, this tokenomics design aims to create a self-sustaining ecosystem that incentivizes holding and accumulation, attracts new users and developers, rewards the team, and potentially applies deflationary pressure on the token supply – all while generating revenue to be shared among the community based on their token holdings.